We solicit two types of submissions:
- Regular papers (up to 15 pages) describing original and unpublished work within the scope of the workshop.
- Short papers (up to 5 pages) describing work in progress or less mature results.
Case studies and tool papers are welcome as well. All submissions must be prepared in LaTeX using the EPTCS macro package.
Each paper will undergo a thorough review process. Submissions should be made using the GraMSec'14 EasyChair web site.
The final versions of accepted regular and short papers will be published as a volume of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS). Furthermore, authors of a selection of the accepted papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their articles to a special issue of a high-quality journal, after the workshop.
Participants are also encouraged to submit position statements on linking industrial needs to academic research questions. The statements should not exceed one page and they will not undergo the review process. Based on the statements, a special session will be organized.